How is Collaborative Practice different from Litigation?
Thursday, 24 November, 2016
Collaborative Practice is a process which resolves conflict without going to court.
Read moreThe Disqualification Clause
Wednesday, 12 October, 2016
The provision in the Collaborative Practice Agreement that provides that if the collaborative process breaks down or is ended for any reason the lawyers are disqualified from representing either party in litigation is what makes collaborative practice different from mediation, lawyer negotiation or other alternate dispute resolution processes.
Read moreWhat Is Collaborative Practice
Wednesday, 24 August, 2016
Collaborative Practice is a way to create a settlement climate deliberately. This is done by removing the trial aspects from consideration. Collaborative lawyers agree to take cases, on a case by case basis, for settlement only.
Read moreProblem Solving
Wednesday, 11 May, 2016
Creative problem solving is the core of Collaborative Practice; I set out below an accepted 5 step creative problem solving model that can be used to get to resolution.
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