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8227 1970

Family Law

Family Law Overview

We understand that family breakdown is an extremely difficult time. Swan Family Lawyers helps people facing the pain of separation and divorce.

We take the time to listen to you and guide you through the uncertainty of family breakdown. The legal advice that we give you will always be clear and in plain language, so that you can make informed decisions.

Our family services are always tailored to meet your specific needs.

Child Custody Lawyers in Adelaide

We know that meeting the needs of your children during separation or divorce can be a difficult challenge. Issues might include parental and grandparental access, where your children will live, school choices, and how the children will celebrate special events. As knowledgable lawyers for child custody family law in Australia, we’ll listen to you and give you clear advice.


Binding Child Support Agreement Lawyers Adelaide

It’s the legal responsibility of both parents to financially support their children during separation or divorce. Child support is the amount to be paid by you or your former partner. A binding child support agreement can be agreed between you, or it can be assessed by the Child Support Agency using a statutory formula.



Maintenance is the financial support that is provided to a former partner following separation or divorce; it can be applied for if you were married or in a de facto relationship. You can apply for spousal maintenance as part of your property settlement proceedings or as a separate application.


Property Settlement Agreements

Why do you need a Property Settlement Lawyer?


Divorce Settlement Lawyers in Adelaide

Divorce is the formal ending of marriage. It’s distinct from separation, which refers to the breakdown of a marriage. Divorce is also distinct from property settlement and children’s issues. If you need a court to make orders about either property or your children’s living arrangements, you need to make a separate application to the Family Law Courts.


De Facto Relationships

The meaning of de facto relationship is defined by Section 4AA(1) of the Family Law Act 1975 (“the Act”) as one where the parties are not legally married to each other, are not related by family, and are in a relationship as a couple living together on a genuine domestic basis.


Same Sex Relationship Lawyers Adelaide

At Swan Family Lawyers, we support and promote diversity.


Binding Financial Agreement Lawyers

Financial Agreements set out how property and spousal maintenance will be dealt with if a marriage or de facto relationship ends in divorce. Without a binding Financial Agreement in place, a court will apply the ordinary principles of family law property settlement and spousal maintenance under the Family Law Act.


Limited Representation

Sometimes, full legal representation isn’t required or it may not be cost effective - which is why we offer limited representation lawyers for family agreements.


Call us now on 8227 1970 and we will chat with you over the phone free of charge.

Family law, divorce, wills and estate specialist family lawyers for Adelaide and South Australia.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.