Christopher acknowledges relationship breakdown is an emotional event with both legal and personal consequences. He is committed to working with clients to resolve their family disputes.
Christopher has been a lawyer since 1982, and established Swan Family Lawyers in 1996. He was accredited as a Family Law Specialist in 2008 by the Law Society of South Australia, and is one of only a small number of Accredited Family Law Specialists in South Australia.
In 2009, Christopher was awarded a Masters in Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management focused on Family Law by the University of South Australia. He is a Nationally Accredited Mediator and an Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, and is a member of the South Australian Magistrates Court panel of mediators.
Christopher is both an experienced litigator and Collaborative dispute resolution practitioner.
He is a member of the Law Society of South Australia, the Law Council of Australia Family Law Section, the Resolution Institute and the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals.
Christopher likes to spend his spare time with his family, sharing his children’s sporting moments, gardening, cooking and, most of all, riding his bicycle.
Christopher can be contacted at swan@swanfamilylawyers.com.au