Family Counselling
Sunday, 31 March, 2019
‘Family counselling’ is defined in the Family Law Act as a process in which a family counsellor helps one or more people to deal with personal or interpersonal issues relating to marriage, separation or divorce, including issues relating to the care of children.
Read moreThings You Should Know!
Saturday, 30 March, 2019
Generally, a will remains valid until the person who made the will changes or revokes it. But there are exceptions that you may not be aware of.
Read moreAdopting a step-child in South Australia
Wednesday, 20 February, 2019
Australian family units are diverse and take many forms including step-families and blended families.
Read moreSharing during the Silly Season
Wednesday, 12 December, 2018
Shared parenting arrangements at Christmas time need not add stress to this busy period. As with all things this time of year, it takes some planning.
Read moreTestamentary Capacity
Sunday, 2 December, 2018
The question of the capacity of a testator (person making a will) is often questioned where a will makes little or no provision for persons who would ordinarily have expected an interest. It is often a child of the testator.
Read moreDo I Need a Will?
Sunday, 11 November, 2018
If you die without a will, the law decides how your estate is to be distributed and who can be your executors. There will be no specific gifts. You will have had no say. You are said to have died “intestate”.
Read moreCan final Family Law property orders be changed?
Thursday, 25 October, 2018
When the Family Court or Federal Circuit Court of Australia makes a final order in relation to property, the order is deemed to have finally determined the financial relationships between the parties to the order and avoid further proceedings between them.
Read moreWhat Makes a Will Valid?
Thursday, 27 September, 2018
There are a number of requirements that must be satisfied for a will to be valid.
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